The new web app “Quizto” was presented at a press conference with Barbara Eibinger-Miedl (Provincial Minister for Economy, Tourism, Regions, Science and Research), Anja Schalk (PIA Automation) and Gerhard Steindl (Medienfabrik Graz).
“Quizto” forms a digital additional level to the adventure tours of Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft. It is designed as a knowledge quiz and aims to show young visitors how business works in a fun way. This type of in-depth learning helps students to become more involved with the content of the tours. They get first-hand insights into the occupational fields offered by the companies and they see what people do every day in their work.
Gamification complements business experience
Companies open their doors to the general public, invite visitors on guided tours and provide exciting insights behind the scenes of production. That’s what the “Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft” has been about for over 10 years. And the motto “It’s all about experience” will be lived even more strongly in the future with the new “Quizto” app. With the help of informative quiz questions that come directly from the companies, young people can anchor their newly acquired knowledge before choosing a career.
In the conception and implementation are the companies GW24 and itell.solutions involved, the agency Fynest Agency is responsible for the social media campaign.