FH JOANNEUM Industrial Design Show 2018
05.07.2018 – 28.07.2018
Graz, Ă–sterreich
The Industrial Design Show of the FH JOANNEUM Graz shows works and models developed by Bachelor and Master degree programme students. Some of the projects are the result of a direct collaboration with corporate business partners following real tasks.

iBMW H2 Concept by Philipp Fromme
The exhibition shows the broad range of academic training, from beginning with the first practices to the Bachelor and Master theses.
Thursday, 5 July, 19.00
Please register: events.cis.at/IDS18
Exhibition duration
6–28 July 2018, Tue–Sat. 13.00–19.00
This year’s Industrial Design Show presents projects among others dealing with the following topics:
- “Inhalation systems of the near future” in Cooperation with PARI
- „Logistics systems of the future“ in Cooperation with CROWN
- “Commercial vehicle0 for construction or agriculture in Cooperation with WACKER NEUSON
- „WoodC.A.R.“ in Cooperation with VOLKSWAGEN, Weizer Energie-Innovations-Zentrum GmbH, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center, TU Graz
- „The Future of Airport Fire Fighting and Rescue” in Cooperation with ROSENBAUER International AG
- „SIEMENS Home Appliances Design Award 2018“ in Cooperation with BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
- „Sun Protection Systems“ in Cooperation with WOUNDWO
Exhibition duration
6–28 July 2018, Tue–Sat. 13.00–19.00
designforum Steiermark, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 17, A-8010 Graz
6–28 July 2018, Tue–Sat. 13.00–19.00
designforum Steiermark, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 17, A-8010 Graz
Please register here.
Participation is free of charge.