Once again, the UNESCO City of Design Graz brought top designers from all Styrian creative disciplines into the spotlight from 30 April to 1 June 2014. This year’s partner city in the UNESCO Network of Creative Cities was Saint-Étienne, the French UNESCO City of Design.
The Proramme of Designmonat Graz offered altogether 98 events, exhibitions, workshops and presentations were offered by the creative community.
The exhibition “Saint-Etienne Design meets Graz” was shown at designHalle, the exhibition center on Lazarettgürtel. Further fixed dates at designHalle were the exhibitions “SELECTED: it’s just design!”, which took a fresh look at interior design in Europe and “100 Best Posters 12″ presenting selected graphic design from Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Designforum Styria presented a new kitchen named “LIN” and the latest design creations from Czech Republic in the exhibition “New Go(o)ds; Young Czech Design” in mid-May, accompanied by the Papelote Origami Workshop, which revealed what Czech designers had been able to conjure up using a single sheet of paper.
The new format “Design in the City” navigated visitors to interesting design locations and shops all over Graz. The Design Festival assembly focussed on contemporary fashion and product design from Austria and its neighbouring countries.The Lecture Days of FH JOANNEUM and the Marketing Rock Stars Festival offered the best in knowledge transfer alongside many other workshops and lectures in and out of Graz. And – last but not least – at the end of May the design market “Edelstoff” invited to browse around in designHalle.