The programme of the second edition of Designmonat Graz included festivals such as assembly and springten, both highlighting the yearly festival calendars. Young, fresh and with plenty of ideas the Lendwirbel proved once more to be the biggest blockparty in Graz.
The exhibition “Design Journey – six travelogues of UNESCO Cities of Design” presented six UNESCO Cities of Design, namely Berlin, Montréal, Buenos Aires, Kobe, Nagoya and Shenzhen while the exhibition “Design Impulse” in designforum Vienna showed works of students of FH Joanneum conquering the world in the field of Industrial Design.
Other activities during Designmonat Graz 2010: the exhibition ” Intensive Surfaces” by Haus der Architektur, “bless” in Kunsthaus Graz. The “Foodline” treated its visitors to some fine food, while four different BarCamps had much to discuss.
The opening party took place on 30th April at the DesignSpot “Wilder Mann”.