Future Unlocked – this year’s ECIS21 contributes to the unlocked potentials of the European creative economy and recovery of Europe. After more than a year of lockdown, this year’s European Creative Industries Summit would like to shed light on the future of Europe with support of cultural creative sectors – from local to global, from live to digital.
The conference #ECIS21 – Future Unlocked – is a collaboration between the European Creative Business Network and the Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO) and is organised in parallel with Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
This conference will address the urgent challenges connected with the Covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, it also wants to start forward-looking conversations about the possible contributions of the cultural and creative sectors towards a green transformation, which now is also supported by Europe´s Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus.
To tackle upcoming crises, this conference also underlines the need for new skills acquisitions and supporting creatives in their lifelong learning efforts. In addition, this conference resides the needs of creative innovations, as advanced by the new Horizon Europe Policies and Funding Programms, as well as the needs for creative administrations and bureaucracies to make the Commission´s Recovery plan for Europe a success in re-building a better Europe.
#ECIS21 will kickoff online on the 21st of April on the occasion of the United Nations World Creativity and Innovation Day and will conclude on 13th of September, online and hopefully also in Ljubljana.
April 21, 2021
first #ECIS21 Day: Opening, Welcome and Overview
09.30 Registration
09.55 Start
10.00 Welcome and Introduction: Bernd Fesel, Director ECBN
10.15 Great Green Creative Economy, Alison Tickell, CEO Julie´s Bicycle, London
10.30 European Emerging Horizons, Dr. Christian Ehler, MEP, Brussels
10.45 Sustainable Creative Skills, Rita Orlando, Matera-Basilicata 2019, Matera
11.00 Considerable Creative Bureaucracy, Charles Landry, CBF, Berlin
11.15 Panel Discussion and Q&A, Gerin Trautenberger, ECBN Board
12.00 Closing, Caroline Norbury, Chair ECBN
May 20, 2021
second #ECIS21 Day: Great Green Creative Economy and European Horizons
Start 09.55 until 12.00
This second conference day propels around the necessity of a greener creative economy and what our industry can contribute to the European Green Deal. At the same time we will discuss what the new European Horizon program is about and how the CCS can benefit from its program and its calls.
Hosting Organisation: Creative Industries Styria
- Reception: 9.45 a
- Start: 10.00 am
Welcome – Anja Zorko, Head, Centre for Creativity, Ljubljana
Introduction – Bernd Fesel, ECBN Director
Great Green Creative Industries
10.15 am
Host: Eberhard Schrempf, Creative Industries Styria, Graz
Climate change is a cultural challenge, Alison Tickell, Julie´s Bicycle, London
The Green Smart City, Sigrid Bürstmayr, FH Jonneum:
European Emerging Horizons
10.45 am
Host: Gerin Trautenberger, Kreativwirtschaft Austria
The-Fed-Academy for Funding and Financing
Impact investment from niche to mainstream, Juliane Schulze, Mediadeals
Regional Public Investment: Camilla de Epalza Azqueta, European Union Policy Officer at Basque Government Delegation to the European
11.15 – BoS#1: Great Green Creative Industries hosted by Eberhard Schrempf
11.15 – BoS#2: The-Fed-Academy by Gerin Trautenberger
11.50 am
Return to plenum and reports by hosts
11.55 am
Closing words – Bernd Fesel
June 23, 2021
third #ECIS21 Day: Sustainable Creative Skills and Creative Bureaucracy
Start 09.55 until 12.00
On the third day of the conference, all participants will talk about the skills gaps that exist among creatives and how educational programs address these needs. On the second track, together with the Creative Bureaucracy Festival, we will examine good cases and the need for creative management for a good, better and creative bureaucracy
Host Organisation: Cultural Capital Matera 2019 / DeuS
September 12-13, 2021
#ECIS21: Final Conference Days
12th and 13th of September: Future Unlocked
This year’s ECIS21 contributes to the unlocked potentials of the European creative economy and recovery of Europe. After over one year of lockdown, this year’s European Creative Industries Summit wants to shine a light on the future of Europe with support of the cultural creative sectors – from local to global, from live to digital. Also we will look into the details of new European initiatives, e.g. the New European Bauhaus and the EIT Initiative for a Knowledge and Innovation Community for the Cultural Creative Sectors.
The conference “Future Unlocked” is a collaboration between the of the European Creative Business Network and the Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO), and is organised in parallel with Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
More details on the conference program will be presented in July 2021.
Host Organisation: MAO
_Opening and Presentation of the ECIS21: Date: 21st of April 2021, Time: 9.55 – 12.00. Register here for the PRE-Conference Program
_ECIS21 – BoS#1: Great Green Creative Economy & European Emerging Horizons, Date: 20th of May, 2021, Time: 9.55 – 12.00
_ECIS21 – BoS#2, Sustainable Creative Skills & Considerable Creative Bureaucracy, Date: 23rd June, 2021,Time: 9.55 – 12.00