Annual Report 2021
Just as for many other sectors of the economy struggling with the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 has been a challenging year for the Styrian creative sector, too. However, this ongoing situation has also brought prolonged momentum for the implementation of innovative strategies and concepts. Companies have utilized the pandemic to a greater extent and (further) developed offers that were in high demand, especially in the service sector.

While creative work is anything but routine in these difficult times, many in the industry have shown impressive professional composure, secure in the knowledge that creativity is a decisive factor for long-term success. While the creative sector has proven exceedingly resilient in 2021, this must not be allowed to gloss over the difficulties caused by the pandemic in some areas (for example events of all kinds). “There is no routine for creative work, especially not during a pandemic. However, the creative economy has a decisive advantage: we know how to use uncertainty and unpredictability to their advantage. It is what makes us resilient, adaptable and successful in the long term.” (Eberhard Schrempf, General Manager Creative Industries Styria)

The (creative) economy and society are currently undergoing a monumental shift, and COVID-19 has exposed its flaws. With massive changes and transformations in the pipeline, it is all the more important to develop and implement strategies that will accompany this shift, capture the energy flows released in the process and incorporate them into meaningful products and services. Creative Industries Styria is accompanying this process with tailor-made offers and services for companies. At the same time, we are intensifying cross-cluster activities in order to ensure that Styria remains a viable business location in the long term, working together with the other Styrian clusters and networking organizations to strengthen its reputation as an innovative and creative role model.