The exhibition “Showcase 2018” shows the results of the interesting as well as successful projects, which were implemented in the course of “CIS-Design Transfer”, the linking format of Creative Industries Styria. In cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark, design and architectural studios created five lounge furniture pieces for the city, which were implemented by local carpentries. In the course of “Design Battle 2018” at the carpentry of Josef Proedl, four design teams developed a freestanding clothes stand within 24 hours, from scratch to the finished prototypes. You can also see the results of three D2B projects. For “Customized Fences” with H+S Zauntechnik, designers developed a new product line of fences, in the course of which Thomas Feichtner created the Octagon Chair. For the project “Graz Leuchte” with IBS Austria, they were looking for concepts for a new street lamp with a Graz reference – and they did succeed. The D2B project with Holding Graz on the other hand was dedicated to the design of junction boxes in Graz.
CIS-Design Battle at Tischlerei Josef Prödl
At the “CIS-Design Battle 2018” in the joinery Josef Prödl, four design teams developed a freestanding clothes rack from design to the finished prototype within 24 hours.
- TEAM 1 with Rainer Mutsch (RAINER MUTSCH Industrial Design), Julia Pengg (Mangolds)  and Martin Pauritsch (Tischlerei Prödl)
- TEAM 2 with Martin Mostböck (Architecture and Design Development), Katharina Auferbauer (Diagonale) and Martin Bauer (Tischlerei Prödl)
- TEAM 3 with Erich Ranegger (Atelier Thomas Pucher), Katharina Götzl (Seidl Trachten) and Thomas Gross (Tischlerei Prödl)
- TEAM 4 with Annabell Spötl (ambibell), Edgar Schnedl (WK Steiermark, FG Werbung und Marktkommunikation) and Marcel Haberl/ Josef Paier (Tischlerei Prödl)
As part of Designmonat Graz, five prototypes, designed by designers and carpenters, were set up as temporary seating objects in various squares in Graz, inviting locals and tourists to sit and relax for a while.
Layers of Tribute | AVA – Andrea Vattovani Architecture & Tischlerei Probst & mtdesign Tischlerei
Urbansailor | Johannes Scherr Design & Tischlerei Wolfgang Rosenkranz
Blockchain | Architekt DI Tinchon mit ai-design & Tischlerei Griessner
GewĂĽrfelt | BRAMBERGER | architects & Tischlerei Lampl
Wolkenteppich |Â Viereck Architekten & Messner GmbH
Distribution Boxes
In the spirit of the initiative to make Graz’s cityscape more attractive and as part of its activities as UNESCO City of Design, a project was carried out in cooperation with the Holding Graz in cooperation with Creative Industries Styria to develop design solutions for the distribution boxes in the cityscape of Graz. For this purpose, the distribution boxes of the Kaiserfeldgasse were redesigned as part of the Design Transfer Program.
Atelier Michael Neubacher | Hasnerplatz
look! Design | Andreas-Hofer-Platz
GW24Â | Kaiserfeldgasse
Together with Creative Industries Styria, H + S Zauntechnik decided to cooperate with designers and architects in order to break innovative grounds. The fencing specialist based in Raaba-Grambach invited local creatives to develop new approaches and project ideas for fence design.
Zweithaler | Framework
Studio Thomas Feichtner |Â Ornamentaler Flimmerzaun
Giselbrecht + Partner Architektur | Lebender Lichtzaun
In the course of the “Design Transfer” format, Creative Industries Styria linked designer Thomas Feichtner with H + S Zauntechnik, a Styrian manufacturer of wire fencing, in order to do a joint project. The cooperation resulted in two very different approaches. On the one hand, Thomas Feichtner designed a fence and thus immersed into the world of wire fences and on the other hand, he designed a chair and introduced H + S Zauntechnik to his world of design.
Graz Light
On behalf of Ecoworld LCL GmbH, Creative Industries Styria has put out a competition with the aim of developing a street lamp with a Graz reference, which can be produced in Styria and is internationally marketable.
Studio Thomas Feichtner |Â Graz Leuchte
Johannes Scherr | WING
Wanker | IBS StraĂźenleuchte
Zweithaler | Pik As
Thursday, November 8, 2018, 19.00
November 9 to December 1, 2018
Opening hours
Tues – Sat 13.00 – 19.00