Success factor Design: About the relation between success and good design
Design is the element in the development process of products that has a lasting impact on success or failure. Design is not just an aesthetic discipline, but an economic criterion. The Hollenegg Design Talks explore ways and options for how companies can deal with design and how design can be integrated into existing corporate strategies. The focus is on the innovative and transformative power of design and its importance as a catalyst for successful product development.
Anyone who talks about design implies high quality, from conception to production. Design leaves nothing to chance – accordingly, the expectations, on the part of the companies and also on the part of the designers, are high. Design is also about permitting a permanent process of development and actively accompanying it. The things that can emerge, be adopted and discarded, are the center of an intensive experience exchange, which allows both sides to tell about requirements, tasks and solutions, products and potentials.
The Melangeset for Augarten & Lobmeyr Glas, designed by LUCY.D, shows how to reinterpret the Viennese tradition of serving a glass of water with your coffee. Due to a new cup shape and a small additional plate, the Alphabecher, a classic by Lobmeyr, now forms a three-part set. The Almwellness Hotel Pierer shows that people love modern timber constructions, especially in tourism. Over the past 10 years, in cooperation with the carpentry of Josef Goebel, almost all the rooms and sitting areas have been redesigned.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Hollenegger Design Talks | Conference
in cooperation with designaustria
The public space. Designed user interface or no-man’s-land?
Public spaces are adopting an increasingly important function in the cities: private living spaces become smaller and, above all, more expensive, which more and more drives people into public spaces in order to meet and stay there. Anyone who wants to do so without having to consume anything, often lacks an adequate and usable design of public spaces.
Even in rural areas, public spaces are redefining their function: Structural changes in the economy and society make former popular meeting places increasingly obsolete. Social life is shifting from churches and coffeehouses to gas stations and shopping malls. Areas, spaces and squares without an economic intention are in short supply.
Public space, however, has a much deeper dimension: in the broadest sense, it implies the entire public user interface and its significant features. This ranges from lighting to garbage cans, from navigation to urban furniture, from the overall traffic concept to the individual stops. Still, it is also a space for action and communication in terms of events and interventions from the fields of business, politics, society, art and culture.
Thus, the intelligent design of public space in the 21st century faces a number of challenges that directly affect the quality and perception of the public space: what should the future user interface be like in order to use urban and rural public spaces? How much interaction is reasonable for the users? What role does digitization play? What do objects need to ensure a high quality of stay? And how do you increase awareness of the value of well-designed public areas?
These questions were discussed by experts from different Austrian institutions.
This was the PROGRAM
16.00 | Welcome and Opening
Eberhard Schrempf (CEO Creative Industries Styria) and Severin Filek (CEO designaustria)
16.30 | Contributions, examples and statements on the topic of public space
- Karlheinz Boiger | Architekt, Hohensinn Architektur
- Elisabeth Fiedler | Head of the Institute of Art in Public Space at Universalmuseum Joanneum | What is art in public space?
- Sigi Ramoser | Designer, Saegenvier DesignKommunikation
- Aglaée Degros | Urban Planner, ARTGINEERING and TU Graz – Institute of Urban Design| Collective Periphery, Vademecum of Public Space
- Representatives of the City of Graz
Expert talks/discussions
20.30 | The discussion was continued in the course of a dinner at Kaminstub’n
Karlheinz Boiger is an architect and partner in the architectural studio “hohensinn architektur”. In 2015, he won the international competition for the Austrian Pavilion for EXPO 2015 in Milan and founded “breathe.earth.collective”, an interdisciplinary think tank comprising designers, architects, ecologists and artists.
Aglaée Degros has been the head of the Institute of Urban Design at Graz University of Technology since 2016 and had worked as a guest professor at universities in Rotterdam, Delft, Brussels and Vienna. The Belgian-born architect and city planner is co-founder and director of the city planning office Artgineering, which, among others, was awarded the Europan 6.
Art historian and author Elisabeth Fiedler has been heading the Department of Art in the Outdoor Space at the Universalmuseum Joanneum since 2011. She is the chief curator of the Austrian Sculpture Park and the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria. Since 2012 she is a lecturer at the Institute for Art History of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz.
The award-winning Vorarlberg graphic designer Sigi Ramoser is co-founder of Saegenvier DesignKommunikation in Dornbirn. He is a lecturer and juror and teaches at the FHV Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, School of Design Ravensburg, Advertising Design Academy WDA-Dornbirn, New Design Academy St. Poelten and at the University of Liechtenstein Architecture Vaduz.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Hollenegg Design Talks | Audience discussion
Design – a success factor?
in cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark
This was the PROGRAM
13.00 | Get together
13.45 | Welcome by Alice Stori-Liechtenstein (Schloß Hollenegg for Design) und
Eberhard Schrempf (CEO Creative Industries Styria)
Opening by Minister Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, (Economy, Europe, Science and Research)
Design talk 1
“Wiener Tradition – neu interpretiert (Viennese Tradition – reinterpreted) “
Karin Santorso and Barbara Ambros | LUCY.D & Nomen Nomen | Porcelain manufactory Augarten
Design talk 2
“Holzhybridbau im Tourismus (Timber hybrid design in tourism) “
Josef Goebel | Tischlerei Goebel & Alfred Pierer | AlmWellness Hotel Pierer
Design talk 3
Martin Fössleitner | Hi-pe.at & Stefan Hampl | Sigmund-Freud-Privatuniversität
17.30 | Summary & convivial evening
The design studio LUCY.D was founded in 2003 by Karin Santorso and Barbara Ambrosz in Vienna. Both designers studied Industrial Design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and have been working, among others, for Alessi, Augarten, Lobmeyr and Wiesner Hager Bueromoebel. www.lucyd.com
Founded in 1718, Viennese porcelain manufactory Augarten is Austria’s most traditional porcelain manufactory and the second oldest in Europe. To this day, each piece is hand-made and painted in Vienna. www.augarten.com
In 1874 the company Josef Goebel was founded as a manufactory for wood and glass processing. The company supplies customized furniture and interior design in Austria and Europe, whereby all furniture stems from the workshops at the company headquarters in Fladnitz an der Teichalm. www.josefgoebel.at
Since 1893, the AlmWellness Hotel Pierer welcomes their guests to the Styrian Teichalm. Awarded with 2 Relax Guide Lilies and several Gault & Millau points, the company focuses on individual design with natural materials. www.hotel-pierer.at